20 April 2011

The Difference is Same !

I have a question. Why do you think people believe in god? Is he a natural force? someone who created this world and controls everything? or someone who us human beings created in our minds ?

Back in the past, a long time ago probably, there was only considered to be one god. 'The Almighty'.
The present right now as it is; is full of existence of these 'one' gods.so here a question arises..are these just images that people have created or is it actually true? or maybe these variety of gods are just children of that 'one' god?

Many people do claim that there are proofs of god's existence. "Proof of which god?" I ask. and i get no answer. I may not know that how this world of living came into existence,how mankind was created. Possibly evolution.But who knows.?

Recently i come across these people who worship god everyday. I ask them "why worship only a god of your religion?" they say it's a tradition and it also gives a feeling of patriotism.
Honestly i was disgusted with their answer because it showed me racism in their veins.
you might say i don't have any respect for any religion.I do respect all religions.i just want to merely point out to them that god is one and he is within you. Stop worshiping an idol that is not going to make you successful in life !!

My habit is also kind of funny.Whenever i go near any religious place and i mean literally any.I join my hands in respect of that religion.But if you actually want to keep a god for each religion then why not keep a god for each and every vice and virtue on this planet? like a god of anger, the ear god, the nose god, the ingenious god moreover how would the carrot god sound?..anyways you get the gist..

There are situations that we come into many a time. Some may be tough, some may be easy.some are just way too complicated but they are never impossible to face. i just want to advise you guys that whenever you face any situation just remember you don't have to fold your hands and start praying. You have to rely on yourself - the god within you and your common sense of course.

Life has weird situations.they never can wait.they want to face you.all you got to do is stand strong and fight the evil 'force'.Just when you think its impossible there opens up another way. Never be selfish.Stop trying to help yourself when you cant. 

Help is always given to those who ask for it but the need to ask for help will only arise when your confidence or your best of friends leave you.....and that can never happen because one of them always stays back with you to help you get back up.

Quite intriguing ain't it?