10 April 2011

Friends Off Friends?

Its been a long time friends. I haven't been posting much but thats what i hope to change.It has been a pretty rough week,a hard one but yes there are a lot of changes that took place in this small period of time.So you can guess where i was.Dealing with all shitty problems of life.It wasn't just only one.It was like a stampede that crumples you beneath itself and you still survive bearing through.And then theres always something else that helps you.A friend.or maybe a couple of friends, sometimes even acquaintances or sometimes even people whom u have never even met.Bear in mind,these people somehow know exactly what to do and they help you survive.not literally.but yes enough to get back your strength and self confidence back and some hope for moving on or to go on ahead.

What was the first thing that entered your mind when you read the title?
think and tell me that. but im going to tell you everything anyways but im open to your first impressions.
so here goes..

Recently i discovered that i have an affinity to socialize with people.you must have heard about meeting through mutual friends.its kind of the same case but different in its own way.As i said it was a rough week, my best friends were having exams and i didn't want to tell them anything what i was going through.but i had to tell them because being the idiots they are they guessed that something was wrong but before that there was more to it.

I don't remember how i made friends with my best friends or how i even met them.the first time that you introduce yourselves to each other should be a memorable one right? A majority of the world remember.but i come in that category of having a really sharp memory but not remembering those memories which matter the most.

Well it was just another day and one of my best friends-Nicole (name changed fro anonymity) tells me about this girl in her college. was intrigued by this girl. and after a week or so i randomly send a friend request to this girl 'A' on Facebook. Normally no person accepts a request from a stranger but since Nicole had told 'a' that i was her best friend she had accepted the request two days later. and the idiocracy here is that i don't even remember how i started talking to her. Some days passed and i thought its high time maybe i send her an inbox message to her.so i sent her an inbox exactly like i was a nervous small boy waiting to open his gift. I haven't done that loads of times so its obvious i might have felt like that. i waited...2 days..3 days..4 days..and success she replied!..but she wasn't like the other girls nor is my best friend Nicole for that matter. Nicole is one of a kind and i would'nt know what to do if she wasn't there.id be like a lost puppy..
i kind of felt connected talking to 'a' somehow and the feeling was weird. More days passed, i sat on Facebook normally as i used to and suddenly i see her online.i don't miss the opportunity i said hi and then started a conversation.me and 'a' had conversations like that loads of times.and then one day i decided to ask her for her number.it was a bit stupid but yet i did that.and she asked me "isn't it too soon?" and i was dumbstruck..i was thinking on what to say..i actually sweat but i did come up with a reply and everything was normal.The next time i talked to her she herself gave me her number and i didn't know what to think.well time passed on.Nicole and me were close then and are closer now.but with 'a' it was at the same constant speed.but recently when i had this hard week.somehow we got to talking and 'a' let her heart out.not literally but yes we were friends since long.but i was amazed at the fact that i could trust her and she could too even though we have not even met...i just wondered how did i get such a friend.i was happy but Nicole's friends didn't think so and she herself didn't approve of the idea of online friendship.yea i know stupidity on my part too.i mean who goes and makes friends with a random stranger? but thankfully Nicole said she didn't have a problem with me talking to 'a' she just didn't approve the idea of online friendship.and i wondered to myself did i just make a friend off a friend?
 i wanted to tell Nicole that whatever may come her place is not going to be take by anyone else.but whenever i wanted to tell her i couldn't but if shes reading this well then Nicole now you know :)

I hate to bore you guys but its a true story.it maybe mine it maybe not.but one thing i know for sure.its something that you could find related in your life.somewhere something somehow always connects so read on.

my second best friend - ronald tells me about a girl he liked and went out with before and he obviously told her about me as best friends do about each other. so not being that shy like last time with 'a' i sent her a friend request and the same routine continued until i came to the number part. I remember giving her my number first.so in case she decides to come in the city she could call me and we could meet.well days passed again with her too.we just chatted normally.then suddenly out of the blue she messages and i finally got her number..now this girl 'p' was a mixture.different again.not like 'a'.but then again everyone is different.but i mean mixture as in a carefree girl.but serious on the smallest issues.my first impression and that impression of her was that she needed to let go of her restricting boundaries she built up herself.what i still feel is that she should try and stop herself from having mood swings all the time and maybe not make mountains out of molehills. but you know,thats her flaw and friends dont look at flaws.yes, it's sure with time that that flaw will change..its bound to.but until then i just need to adjust to her.and thats how i did it.i adjusted to her in a weird way.i became that exact mood she was in whenever i talked to her.the best thing i liked about 'p' was that we both had some things in common.and we could capitalize on it and talk and get to know each other better.well thats not the best thing about 'p'.the best thing about 'p' is a bond that i could connect to.its like im her friend bound by the unbreakable vow.here again i was worried that ronald may have a problem if i talked to her but thankfully he didn't.and then again i wondered did i just make a friend off a friend?

Can we make friends off friends just because they are friends of our friends? Well sometimes it does work out perfectly, sometimes it doesn't. because there was one more try that i had made. but i was unsuccessful. i was scoffed at for being such a weird ass for not going out and meeting people.but well that is where that person was wrong.i did go out and make friends. Since he/she didn't have that much of a level to interact he/she didn't become my friend but i still had my 3rd best friend so it didn't matter.the actual matter is when there comes a point when you lose a friend i try with every vein and every blood cell and every bone to let it not come to that matter...

In this world people are different, they are unique,
A person is crazy for love, and friendship is what they seek,
making friends is hard,making best friends is the harder part,
when you don't meet for a long time(or never met your friend at all) its easier not to fall apart,
there are friends you can connect to in an instant, there are friends you connect to in months,
and when you're finally through you'll know that it was worth the effort and worth the countless grunts.
friends have no definition, friends play a huge part..
in your life friends will help you as with friends is where resides your heart...

--this ones dedicated to 3 friends Nicole, ronald and niko...(and for 'a' and 'p')


  1. Niko?
    Hmm, thats alot of stuff going on at the same time. I liked the whole concept of making friends of friends for it happens alot in our life. Some times we make really good friends out of friends of acquaintances.
    Interesting dilemma.

  2. you know her.

    yes you are true with that fact. but the key to let it stay successful is that Don't lose those old friends through whom you made the new friends.it kills you inside.

    and thank you :)
